Doctors can diagnose an infection of helicobacter >> << using different types of tests. Your doctor may:
look at the lining of the stomach directly. This is done under general anesthesia and requires an endoscope insert a small strattera cost, flexible tube with a tiny camera on the end of the throat and stomach and duodenum. The doctor can then take samples of the substrate to be tested in the laboratory and microscopic signs of infection
pylorus H. Bacteria.
Do blood tests that can detect the presence of H. pylori
Blood tests easy to perform, although a positive test may indicate the influence of H. pylori
in the past, rather than active infection. do breathing tests that can detect carbon broken down by H. pylori
after drinking a liquid. Breath testing is time consuming and do not give information about the severity of infection. This type of test might be difficult to perform in young children. make the stool, which can detect the presence of H. pylori
proteins in the stool. Like the breath test, stool indicates the presence of H. pylori
but do not give information about the severity of infection. Doctors treat H. pylori infections
using antibiotics. As an antibiotic can kill bacteria, your child will usually receive a combination of antibiotics. Typically, the doctor will also give antacids or acid-west drugs to neutralize or block production of stomach acid. If your child has symptoms of bleeding from the stomach and small intestine, these symptoms will be treated in hospital. Because H. pylori infection
can be cured with antibiotics, the most important treatment for the house to give your child any antibiotic medicine on schedule for as long as your doctor has written. One way to soothe the abdominal pain is the next regularly scheduled meal. This means planning meals so that the stomach of the child is left empty for a long time. Eat five or six meals a day can be better, and your child should take some time to rest after each meal. It is also important not to give your child aspirin, aspirin-containing medicines, ibuprofen, or anti-inflammatory drugs because they can irritate the stomach or cause bleeding of the stomach. Prolonged antibiotic therapy, H. pylori
gastritis and peptic ulcer disease (especially in duodenal ulcer, part of the small intestine) can often be cured. .
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